1. Heat cramps - Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms that can happen during activity in hot environments.

2. Heat Syncope- Heat syncope is a fainting (syncope) episode or dizziness that usually occurs when standing for too long or suddenly standing up after sitting or lying

3. Heat Exhaustion-Heat exhaustion is the body's response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating

4. Heat Stroke- Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. It occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature: the body's temperature rises rapidly, the sweating mechanism fails, and the body is unable to cool down. When heat stroke occurs, the body temperature can rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes

Difference between Hear cramps vs heat syncope vs heat exhaustion vs heat stroke

Localised effects of heat
Dry vs moist vs chemical heat"

EDH due to heat vs trauma


• Due to excessive heat, skin contracts & ruptures
• Resembles:
– Laceration: ++, irregular
– Incised wounds: +
• Features of heat rupture:
– Blood vessels & nerves: Intact
– Bleeding in the wound: No
– Bruising/ abrasion in the margins: No

Ante- Mortem vs post- mortem burns

These Notes are for doctor's and medical students.

Disease of external ear detailed notes

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