How to loose weight without stop eating.

Let's do this together 

It's possible to lose weight without exercising though consciousness .just don't give up.Remember there is always a way out of every just need to find what is right for you. 

"I never regret falling down but I always regret giving up"☺️

☺️Eat in small bowl or plate than usual can trick your brain to feel satisfied.remember not to eat very less .eat in moderation for example 1/3 of eating 1/3 of drinking water and 1/3 for air . you'll feel energetic and satisfaction. If you can't do like this than eat 2/3 for few days.remember reduce your portion slowly.dont overburden yourself.☺️

☺️Drink Lots of Water :for proper digestion and overall health. Drinking water also supports a healthy metabolism, which in turn can help you lose weight. If you want to follow a weight loss plan without exercise, it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day.Keep yourself hydrated and makes your digestion better.we humans are made of average 70%of water . drink a fixed about of water is mandatory for our body to work properly.remember not to over hydrate yourself.

☺️keep Moving: moving our body is essential for life.moving our body not only burn more calories it's also build up our mind health.

😋Eat super delicious food: yes you read right.eating super delicious food will satisfy our brain.and we will enjoy it too. You can make healthy food super delicious. For example instead of potato burger you can eat cabbage patties burger with only one Bread .this will not only reduce your calorie but also give you the feeling of happiness.

🤤give yourself treat often : if you just started your plan to loose weight remember giving yourself a treat  at every 2 or 3 days interval.because body need time to not over burden yourself with to much strictness but be persistence.

🙃love yourself: loving yourself is the key success to achieve your dreams and goal.look in the mirror your lord has created a very perfect beautiful human being.yiu just need to work out a bit to be healthy and for Better outcome of yourself.

😴🤠😶‍🌫️reduce stress : stress lead to release of certain kind of hormones in our body which impact our metabolism and we gain weight. Reducing stress is hard as our daily life is hectic.but we can avoid the cause of stress yo reduce it .

🥴replace your tea or coffee: it's true many of us loves to drink a lot of coffee or tea in a day but these drink have lots of calories in it .for example suppose you drank 5 cup coffee a day and 1 cup contain 200 calories so it will be 1000 calories.means you already consumed half of calories of your daily requirement.but since not drinking tea or coffee will be to harse on ourselves.we can just replace it .🤔 For example you like drinking tea with milk and sugar . So you can just put 1 table spoon of milk and half tablespoon of sugar in it. Or you can just replace it🧐 with other flavourful less calories tea🫢🙂

🤗smile and be truthful to yourself and be humble and be kind and always ask forgiveness to your lord as we humans are not perfect.but keep going.a positive mindset is must for achieving any goal of yourself life.

Even if you ruins your diet sometimes it's ok continue again and again and again.

And at last over few weeks and month you'll see the results.

Thank you guys if you liked my blog please do click on the ads as it help me to build up my content and writing.and let us know in the comments box how you felt after reading.☺️and if this blog really helped you in anyway please do share it with others.

And don't give up!☺️☺️

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