How to loose 5kg in a month without exercise

One-Month Weight Loss Journey:

Motivation for Success


* Define clear objectives

* Shedding pounds, fitting into clothes, improving health

Plan of Action:

*Clean up diet: whole foods, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats

😅No eat atleast 1000 calories a day☺️

*Stay hydrated: drink plenty of water
- Increase physical activity: 30 mins most days, mix up activities

Support System:

*Surround yourself with supportive people: friends, family, online communities

Positive Mindset:

* Understand it's a journey

* Celebrate successes

*Learn from setbacks

Tracking Progress:

* Keep a food journal

* Track workouts

*Take measurements


*Stay focused, positive, and motivated

*You're capable of more than you know

*Transform into the best version of yourself

These Notes are for doctor's and medical students.

Disease of external ear detailed notes

External Ear Diseases in ENT The external ear, comprising the auricle (pinna) and the ear canal (external auditory canal), is susceptible to...